Book launch at Alchemy in Camden Market, 10 May 2010

On 10th May we had a lovely time at Alchemy in Camden Market where around 50 friends joined the author Ranchor Prime to launch his Bhagavad Gita: Talks Between the Soul and God. The evening was hosted and introduced by Nicole Hambro, co-founder and guiding spirit of the Alchemy Centre.

Alchemy is a space where people are encouraged to connect to their wisdom, and it seemed to us the right place to announce our new Bhagavad Gita to the world. We are happy that the centre is now stocking the book and using it as a resource in its teaching work.

Ranchor Prime was joined by the artist Charles Newington to introduce their collaboration and sign books. Ranchor's translation evolved from than 30 years of teaching, while Charlie's art was the result of an intense period of creative inspiration lasting less than two months.

One of the themes Charles illustrates is the battlefield setting of the Gita as an allegory for the twenty-first century war between humanity and nature. In the wisdom tradition of the Gita the world is Mother to all beings. The Gita calls for a profound renewal of the relationship between the human family and the planet.

It was a delightful evening, with many satisfied customers, including, left, Tracy Cramond and Ananga Manjari, teachers of yoga, meditation and Ayurvedic medicine.

Vegan food was supplied by Alchemy, and sacred food, prasadam, was supplied from the Radha Krishna Temple in Soho Square.